Digital transformation readiness assessment 

Is your wholesale organization ready for digital transformation?
Determine your company’s appetite for change and its ability to handle the digital projects needed to accelerate your business.

Digital transformation in action

The biggest challenge a wholesale distribution organization faces with digital transformation is being unaware of the entire scope of the project and its impact on the company as a whole. 

This offer, designed specifically for wholesale organizations, includes an expert-led assessment of your digital transformation readiness and gives you the tools needed to start your digital project’s blueprint.

What we cover in this assessment

The conversations that bring the process together: 

Stakeholder Interviews
Stakeholder interviews
  • Expert guided conversations with the departments involved in the project to understand their current processes and requirements for new digital solutions.
  • Used to create the technical architecture diagrams that build the development roadmap.
Commerce Architecture
Current technical architecture diagram
  • A diagram showing the platforms & technology within the digital ecosystem, how they currently interact, and the role they play in the operations & sales processes.
  • Used to highlight redundancies, data silos, and manual interactions.
Optimized Commerce Architecture
Optimal technical architecture diagram
  • A diagram of the technical architecture your company needs in order to develop essential digital transformation solutions.
  • Key asset to ensure all stakeholders clearly understand what technology is needed for overall project success. 

The outcome of this series of consultations is a set of takeaway deliverables your organization can use to build the first pieces of a digital transformation blueprint. With your blueprint started, you can complete a detailed roadmap to a digital development project, setting you down the path for operational improvements, increased sales and scalable growth. 


Learn how the right integrations and digital solutions can drive revenue growth company evolution and create new sales channels.